
Knowledge Does Not Apply Itself

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As I prepare for 2017, I’m working through the questions in my Tools4Wisdom planner. They start with the Big Picture — “Where am I now?”, “Where do I want to be?”, and “How do I get there?”. I know certain things, but I can attest that knowledge does not apply itself. If it did, I’d […]


You Get What You Give

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Yes, we’ve all heard of this. Most call it karma. For those who believe and know that this is true, we know that it works for both good and bad. If you give kindness, you get kindness. If you give heartache, you get heartache. Happiness in our lives comes from being of service to others. Some […]


Your Best Day Yet

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Make today your best day yet. Except for “lesson’s learned”, forget about yesterday, it’s gone; there is no “re-do”. Don’t live for tomorrow. It may not come. Today is the day that counts…right here…right now. Get up early with a smile on your face. You woke up today!   If you have a job, go do […]